Commands dialog box). The default menus display only about a third of these commands. By browsing through the Commands dialog box, you can find interesting and useful commands you never knew existed.
Browsing the Commands List
Use the scroll bars to browse through the
commands list on the left side of the dialog
box. When you select a command by
clicking on its name, Word shows menu
and key assignments, if there are any.
Commands Help
Use the Command dialog box “Help…”
button to get information on unfamiliar
commands by selecting the unknown
command, and then clicking the “Help”
button. Word displays a brief definition
Use the “List” button to create files listing
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Creating List Files
Word’s commands, and print out the files
to use as reference aids. Word creates two
types of command list files:
• Click “List” to create an alphabetical list of assigned commands. This list contains all commands assigned to a menu, to a key, or both. It omits all unassigned commands.
• Hold down the “Shift” key and click “List” to create an alphabetical list of all commands. This list contains assigned
and unassigned commands. The list appears in table format (see